Quarterly Journal of Information and Communication Technology ​

The general layout of the manuscript:

The submitted articles should only have nine main titles (and a number of sub-titles as needed) as follows:

Abstract, introduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusion, authors' contribution, acknowledgements, conflict of interest, references. 

A) The manuscripts should be typed with a single line space with Microsoft Word and uploaded along with its pdf file to the journal’s portal at https://www.armanprocessjournal.ir. It should be noted that all the steps of reviewing the manuscript and subsequent follow-ups will be done through APJ website.

B) The original version should be typed in single column and during proof making would be adjusted in two columns.

C) Avoid using English words and expressions that have a common Persian equivalent. If necessary, insert the English equivalent of the words in parentheses opposite the word. Avoid inserting English words in a footnote.

D) The conclusion section should be very short and only include the results extracted from the article itself. That is, avoid mentioning any results previously presented in other articles and also from stating the reasons for the results obtained in the current research. If the content of this section is more than two paragraphs, the publisher reserves the right to remove irrelevant and redundant content of the conclusion section and limit its amount to a maximum of two paragraphs.

Organization of the manuscript:

Research papers including title, author name (s), abstract, introduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusion, references should be set according to the following specifications.

A) The title of the article: It should be as short as possible, clear, free of acronyms and considering the sub-title should not exceed 17 words.

B) Name of the author(s): Below the title of the article, the name of the author or authors and their organizational affiliation should be stated according to the publisher’s format. Only the e-mail address of the corresponding author will be written in the section specified on the first page. It is necessary for the author to be a member of the faculty and to send the article from his/her university e-mail address. Avoid mentioning scientific ranks such as assistant professor, associate professor, ... or titles such as doctor, engineer, etc.

Academic address includes:

Degree, specialty, department, department or research center, hospital, college/faculty, university, city, country

C) Abstract: includes a brief statement of the problem, the main ideas and methods used. The abstract should include background and objectives, methods and materials, findings, and conclusions. It is necessary to mention the most important results and innovations in the abstract and it should be at least 500 words. In the abstract section, no reference should be made to the equation or references of the article.

D) Introduction: It should include a description of the problem, a complete review of past activities and related research, and finally a statement of research objectives. The division of this section should be adjusted according to the publisher’s format. Therefore, it is necessary to merge topics such as ‘significance of the study’, ‘purpose of the study’, ‘research objectives’, or ‘research background’ in the Introduction section. Also, the innovation and research objectives should be stated briefly and clearly at the end of the introduction. In addition, avoid repeating the content in different sections of the article. In the research background section, do not include the titles of the articles or books reviewed, the year of publication and the first names of the authors of the work.

E) Research method: includes a description of the research method, research questions, statistical population and sample, research procedure, instrumentation and how to solve the problem (or statistical analysis) accurately.

F) Mathematical relations: It is written with Math Type software and numbered in the following order: ....  (1)

 G) Figures and tables: Since the contents of the publication are set in 8 cm columns, it is necessary to prepare the original figures and tables within 8 or 16 cm. Descriptions of these items should also be provided in the appropriate size and the captions (for tables) and subtitles (for figures, charts and tables) should be numbered, respectively. Large figures, charts, and tables should be adjusted at the top or bottom of the page, with the text of the article either at the top or bottom of the page.

Also, descriptions of figures, charts and tables should be bilingual. Write the Persian description with B Nazanin Bold-9 and the English description with Calibri Bold-7. Also, all the contents of the figures, tables, etc., including numbers and text, must be in both Persian and English and must be written with Calibri Bold-7. It should be mentioned that the Persian content should be typed with B Nazanin -9. Therefore, all vertical lines in the table need to be invisible. Horizontal lines are only visible at the top and bottom of the table.

 H) Results and discussion: It should include diagrams and tables obtained from research, discussion and argumentation on results and innovations, as well as discussion on the validation of the obtained results. 

I) Conclusion: It should include a brief overview of the issues raised in the article, reconsideration and discussion of the most important results and finally a brief and useful summary. Refrain from referring to others’ research results and mentioning the reasons for the results of the present research. The whole conclusion should be limited to two paragraphs. Also, do not mention any suggestions for further research in the body of the article.

J) References: References must be in English. Persian sources should also be translated accurately into English. It is necessary to include ‘Persian’ at the end of each translated reference. If the article has more than six authors in the list of sources, after mentioning the names of the first six people, the word "et al." should be brought. All the sources mentioned in the references section should be mentioned in the text of the article. It is necessary to mention the complete specifications of the references, according to the examples provided at the end of this article.

Citation in the text:

APJ follows Vancouver Citing and Referencing Style. Use brackets to cite references in the text of the article; in a way that the references are numbered from number 1 based on appearing in the text. For example, refer to the reference that is mentioned for the first time in the text in this way: [1]. The numbers in brackets are all Persian, written with B Nazanin 11. Then list the references in the reference section based on the numbers in brackets and how to write references in the final section of this guide. Example:


Authors are required to download the commitment letter form and the conflict of interest form and after completing, signing and scanning, send it along with the article file. Also, the profile of the authors, including name, surname, email, affiliation that is entered in the website when submitting the article, must be exactly the same as the profile of the authors in the article file. Otherwise, the submitted article will not be reviewed. According to the policies of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, this quarterly journal receives 4.500.000 Riyals for accepted articles. In order to be publish and index accepted papers, the writing structure and reference citation in the article must be set according to the default format of the journal, exactly.